Author: Firwood Church

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For the love of God Part 2 – God is Light (1 John 1:5-2:11)

In the second of the series on the love of God, Andy Evans considers the truth that God is light and He alone sets the standard for morality in this dark world.

For the love of God Part 1 – God is Love (1 John 4:7-5:5)

In the first of a new series on the love of God, Andy Evans considers how our view of love has been badly corroded and how true love can only be accurately defined and demonstrated by God.

This Momentary Marriage (A parable of permanence) – John Piper

Recently, two friends of mine decided to get married.  I wanted to get them a decent book on marriage, but didn’t know if there was anything out there worthwhile or anything that I would be able to recommend.  It was then that I came across This Momentary Marriage by Dr John Piper. The book begins…
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No More Offerings (Hebrews 10:11-18)

As Firwood’s youth group prepares to leave for a week  Soul Survivor, Phill Marsh delivers this standalone sermon looking at the finality of Jesus death and resurrection.

The woman caught in adultery (John 8:2-11)

In this stand alone message, Ronnie Evans examines Jesus’ treatment of the woman caught in adultery and the crowd who condemn her.

The Promise (Part 17) – Acts 7

In the seventeenth part of this sermons series in the book of Acts, Ronnie Evans begins moving through Stephen’s speech in chapter 7.

So we may know Him (1 John 5:20)

If God is infinite, eternal, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient and so far above us, how can even the smartest of us be expected to know Him at all?  In this stand-alone message, Phill Marsh speaks of God’s desire to make HImself known to us.

The Promise (part 16) – Acts 6:8-15

As Stephen speaks with wisdom that could not be withstood, those in the synagogue plot to kill him.  What had Stephen spoken to provoke such a reaction?  Ronnie Evans takes the sixteenth part of this series in the book of Acts.

Ephesians: His Glorious Grace – The Mystery (Ephesians 3:1-13)

Continuing in this series through Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, Andy Evans examines the mystery of the gospel. The notes accompanying this message are available here.