Author: Firwood Church

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Ephesians: His Glorious Grace – Alive (Ephesians 2:1-10)

Andrew Evans speaks on the miraculous, supernatural transformation that is our being raised from death to life. Click here to read the notes which accompany this sermon.

The Promise (part 3) – Acts 1:12-20

In this third of the new series ‘The Promise’, Ronnie Evans looks at the lost ministry of Judas, and examines the events that lead to his ultimate fall.

Ephesians: His Glorious Grace – Dead (Ephesians 2:1-10)

In the twelveth part of this series, working through the letter to the Ephesians, Andy Evans examines how, as believers, we were once dead, but now we are made alive in Christ. The notes which accompany this message are available here.

Not Running Aimlessly (1 Cor 9:24-27)

Looking back over 2009 and forward to 2010, Ste Evans encourages us to pursue Christ with all we have this year.

The New Self (Colossians 3:1-17)

As we approach the New Year with many making resolutions that possibly won’t last, Ronnie Evans asks what Paul means when he implores us to ‘put on the new self’.

The Promise (part 2) – Acts 1:4-11

In this second of the new series ‘The Promise’, Ronnie Evans examines the second coming of Jesus.

The Promise (part 1) – Acts 1:1-4

The first of a new series, ‘The Promise’, moving through the book of Acts. Ronnie Evans speaks on the importance of Scripture, the historicity of Jesus’ death and resurrection, and the power of the Spirit that Jesus promised.

Christ Came… to Save Sinners (1 Timothy 1:12-17)

As we continue in this series for Christmas 2009, Andy Evans finds Paul exhorting his readers to understand the saving work of Christ for sinners, of whom Paul notes that he is foremost.

Christ Came… in the Fullness of Time (Galatians 4:4-5)

In this first of a new series leading up to Christmas, Andy Evans points to the incarnation of Christ, occurring, as it did, at the perfect time, for our adoption as children of God. Click here to read the notes which accompany this sermon.

Prayer (part 2)

In the second of this new series, Ronnie Evans asks what it means to pray ‘Your Kingdom Come’.