Author: Firwood Church

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Christ and the Cross: The Centre of Everything (part 1) – Ephesians 1:7-10

Paul continues his great hymn of praise and turns his attention to the Father’s preeminent love for the Son, the Beloved. In the fifth part of this series, working through the letter to the Ephesians, Andy Evans focuses upon the supremacy of King Jesus and finds that the cross is central to God’s purposes for…
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John Calvin: A Biography

This is an old book and, understandably then, T.H.L. Parker is now a very old man. Parker is also an authority on all things John Calvin. Parker published his first work of note on the great Reformer in 1954 with John Calvin: A Portrait. A Portrait was intended as a general introduction to Calvin’s life…
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Ecclesiastes: Under the Sun, part 11 – An anatomy of joy

In the book of Ecclesiastes, King Solomon applies his heart ‘to seek and to search out by wisdom all that is done under heaven’. As he does so, he discovers fallen man amidst a sin-ruined creation. In the eleventh part of this series, Ronnie Evans examines how we can experience eternal joy by recognising the…
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The Word (Part 2)

In the second of this short two part series, Ronnie Evans examines the authority, sufficiency and necessity of Scripture.

Chosen by God – R.C. Sproul

There are few doctrines as difficult and controversial as the Doctrine of Unconditional Election. As we have seen through our study of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, our understanding of this weighty truth invariably effects the way in which we understand salvation, God’s sovereignty, his activity in this world and his dealings with men and…
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Ecclesiastes: Under the Sun, part 10 – The Love of Money

In the book of Ecclesiastes, King Solomon applies his heart ‘to seek and to search out by wisdom all that is done under heaven’. As he does so, he discovers fallen man amidst a sin-ruined creation. What are we to make of injustice fueled by the love of money that we see in the world?…
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The Word (Part 1)

In the first of this short two part series, Ronnie Evans examines Jesus as ‘the Word made flesh’. How has God communicated his message with us, and how are we to take this message to the world?

Ecclesiastes: Under the Sun, part 9 – Let Your Words Be Few

In the book of Ecclesiastes, King Solomon applies his heart ‘to seek and to search out by wisdom all that is done under heaven’. As he does so, he discovers fallen man amidst a sin-ruined creation. In the ninth part of this series, Ronnie Evans examines Solomon’s call to ‘let our words be few’ as…
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His Glorious Grace 4 – To the praise of His Glorious Grace (Ephesians 1:4-6)

Paul begins his great hymn of praise with the truth that God chooses us. In the fourth part of this series working through the letter to the Ephesians, Andy Evans unpacks the truth that God’s election is purposeful: he calls us to be holy and blameless, he calls us to be his and, above all,…
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His Glorious Grace 3 – He Chose Us (Ephesians 1:4-6)

Paul begins his great hymn of praise with the truth that God chooses us. In the third part of this series working through the letter to the Ephesians, Andy Evans unpacks this weighty truth and explains why Christians should exult in a God who acts first, acts decisively and acts in love. Click here to…
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