Ephesians: His Glorious Grace – Walk like Jesus (Ephesians 4:25-32)
Continuing in this series through Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, Andy Evans continues to look at how Paul exhorts us to live and walk like Jesus.
Continuing in this series through Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, Andy Evans continues to look at how Paul exhorts us to live and walk like Jesus.
In the second part of a new series entitled, Dwell, Ronnie Evans examines how we are called for a purpose.
Continuing in this series through Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, Andy Evans examines the practical ways we can put on the new self, outlined by Paul. The notes which accompany this message are available here.
In the first part of a new series entitled, Dwell, Phill Marsh examines God’s desire to be with His people.
Continuing in this series through Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, Andy Evans looks at how we should respond to the Lord’s command to delight in Him. The notes which accompany this message are available here.
In this stand alone message, Ronnie Evans looks at what God has done at Firwood church over the past year and looks forward to what God is going to do in the coming year.
Ronnie Evans delivers this Christmas message examining why Jesus came.
In this stand alone message, Ronnie Evans examines the shepherds – the first to hear the good news of Jesus’ birth.
In the first of a 3 part series, Phill Marsh examines the meaning of the incarnation.
In the tenth of the series that examines what Christians believe, Andy Evans looks at how Jesus will one day return and rule for all eternity.