Category: Podcast

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Fellowship of Obedience

Ronnie Evans continues his look through the Epistle of John which reminds us that the evidence of our fellowship with God is how we keep His commandments. Whilst we abide in Him obedience is no burden, as we are transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit; and we are incapable of hating our brother,…
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Fellowship of Brokenness

Ronnie Evans takes us through the opening to the Epistle of John. Too often, as Christians we walk embracing the comfort, the privacy, and the anonymity, of the dark. Unsurprisingly, we continuously stumble and fall – unsure of what lies beneath our feet. We hide from the light where everything is exposed and laid bare.…
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Finishing Well

Ronnie Evans takes us back to the desert after the people of Israel have been led out of Egypt in the presence of the miraculous, only to lose faith in the promises that were to given to them. Reading from Hebrews, he shows how the church today is in the wilderness, not yet in the…
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Peace for a purpose

Ronnie Evans shows how the resurrection through Christ is available to us now as we accept the gift of faith, that is available to us right now. All we have to do is ask for that peace, that is freely given to us and brings about a change within us for the purpose of building…
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Risen Together

Ronnie Evans explores the amazing truth of the gospel as we are raised together with Christ. Scriptures: Matthew 28:1–9, Acts 1:3, Romans 1:4, Romans 4:22–25, Romans 8:31–34, 1 Corinthians 15:3–5, 1 Corinthians 15:12–19

The Easter Communion

Ronnie Evans looks at the message behind the communion as Jesus sheds his blood on the Cross. Scriptures: Genesis 4:10, 2 Samuel 23:15–17, Isaiah 53:5–6, Matthew 26:26–28

The Pond

In this new sermon, Stephen Evans talks about the pond in his back garden as an illustration of God’s amazing ability to breathe new life into things that we might think stale and beyond salvation. Scriptures: Psalm 1, John 4:7–15, 1 Timothy 6:11–16

Scattered Part 7- Listen, Learn, Live (Matthew 13:9)

In the final part of a series entitled ‘Scattered’, Phill Marsh examines Jesus’ words; “Whoever has ears, let them hear”.

Scattered Part 6- Be fruitful (Matthew 13:8,23)

In the sixth part of a series entitled ‘Scattered’, Ronnie Evans looks at the seed that falls on good soil.

Scattered Part 5- Pursue Christ (Matthew 13:7,22)

In the fifth part of a series entitled ‘Scattered’, Joe Brady looks at the seeds that fall among the thorns.